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Europol Admits ISIS Actively Targeting Refugees To Carry Out Terrorist Attacks In The EU

Europol Admits ISIS Actively Targeting Refugees To Carry Out Terrorist Attacks In The EU

Confirming what most of us deduced long ago via the application of just a bit of common sense, Europol and Frontex, Europe's  border and coast guard agency, are finally admitting that their intelligence indicates coordinated efforts on the part of ISIS to recruit asylum seekers, both in Syria and in migrant camps after they've already reached Europe, to carry out terrorist attacks.  In a report published my Europol, counter-terrorism experts warn that, among other things, "Syrian refugee diaspora may become vulnerable to radicalisation once in Europe and may be spec

Russian Military Plane Crashes In Black Sea En Route To Syria

A Russian military aircraft crashed into the Black Sea yesterday killing all 92 passengers on board. The Russian defence ministry said that the plane disappeared from radar two minutes after taking off from Sochi at 05:25 (02:25 GMT), heading for Latakia in Syria. Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his condolences to the relatives of the passengers. “I want to express my most sincere condolences to the families of our citizens who died in the plane crash in the Black Sea this morning. The government will do everything to provide support.

Pakistani Defence Minister Threatens Israel With Nuclear War

Pakistan’s Defence Minister has threatened Israel with nuclear war apparently in response to threats from a former Israeli Defence Minister. Defence Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif put out a tweet Friday in response to an apparent ‘fake news’ article quoting ex-Israeli defence minister Moshe Ya’alon threatening to “destroy” Pakistan in a nuclear war if it dared send troops to Syria. The article claims that on Thursday Pakistan declared that it was ready to send ground troops to Syria as part of an international coalition to help the Syrian government fight ISIS.

British Generals Arrive In Syria To Train Retreating Terrorists

British Generals and military advisors have arrived in Syria to recruit, train and unify the terrorists who have been forced out of Aleppo, to continue with the bloodshed in the country. The Russian daily Izvestia reports UK Defense Minister Sir Michael Fallon saying that 20 British military instructors have already arrived in Syria to “restore the combat capability of units of the moderate opposition which has retreated from Aleppo”.
