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Syrian Army Says Aleppo Has Returned To Government Control

Syrian Army Says Aleppo Has Returned To Government Control

The battle for Aleppo is officially over.

Having concluded the evacuation of rebels from their last enclave in the eastern part of the city, the Syrian army said Aleppo has returned to government control, ending the 4-year rebel control over parts of the city that years ago was the largest metropolitan center in Syria and is now a landscape out of Call of Duty.  The evacuees have been taken to rebel-held territory in the countryside west of Aleppo and in Idlib province.

5 Arrested For Creating Fake News About Syria

Five people have been arrested in Egypt for making a fake news video that purports to show carnage caused by Russian air strikes in Syria, according to the Egyptian Interior Ministry. The fake video was intended for Western audiences and closely resembles many of the videos from Aleppo that have gone viral on social media and been featured by unquestioning mainstream media in recent weeks. In the fake video, actually filmed in Egypt using Egyptian child actors, an eight-year-old girl wears a white dress and bandages covered in red stains, and holds a teddy bear.

5 Arrested After Egyptian Police Bust Staged Photo Shoot Of "Wounded Aleppo Children"

Readers who have been following the crisis in Aleppo have seen media reports of videos and photos allegedly originating from innocent children victims, pleading against the advance of the Assad forces. And while there have been various accusations that these clips, like the infamous "chemical attack" YouTube clip from 2013, were staged, such reports were promptly slammed by the mainstream media as "fake news" and roundly ignored.

Aleppo Victory... US And Its Crime Partners Suffer "Meltdown Of Sanity"

Submitted by Finian Cunningham via,

The US and its terrorist-sponsoring partners are seeing their criminal regime-change project in ruins, as the Syrian army and its allies win a spectacular victory to retake the strategically important city of Aleppo.

Western governments and their flunkies at the UN are cynically, perversely decrying a «meltdown of humanity».
