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10 Reasons Why the Future Will be Amazing

Via The Daily Bell

Imagine if a third of your family died of the plague as religious fanatics preached “The end is nigh!” and threatened that the few pleasures you could squeeze out of life would lead to your eternal damnation. As wars raged around you, surrounded by death, disease, and the lowest grimy depths of poverty, it would be understandable to think the world was in the midst of an apocalyptic collapse.

Paul Craig Roberts Fears "The Exponential Growth Of Global Insecurity"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

There is no such thing as cyber security. The only choice is more security or less security, as the recent hack of the National Security Agency demonstrates.

Hackers stole from NSA a cyber weapon, which has been used in attacks (at time of writing) on 150 countries, shutting down elements of the British National Health Service, the Spanish telecommunications company Telefonica, automakers Renault and Nissan, Russia’s Interior Ministry, Federal Express, the energy company PetroChina, and many more.
