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Portland Student Finds Cheap Way To Make Saltwater Drinkable

A Portland student is grabbing everyone’s attention because of a science experiment that began at high school. A senior at Jesuit High School in Portland, Oregon, Chaitanya Karamchedu, or Chai as he is called, found a cheap and easy way to bypass all existing desalination methods and turn salt water into fresh drinking water. Universities and tech companies such as MIT and Intel are now investing in his work. Chai is now focusing his attention on curing cancer, by destroying cancer cells from the inside out.

Hackers Took Down D.C.'s CCTV System Ahead Of Trump Inauguration, Demanded Ransom

Submitted by Shepard Ambellas via,

Officials and others unsure of what may have taken place during a massive citywide CCTV outage

Between the dates of Jan. 12 and Jan. 15, for about a 48-hour span, 70% of the CCTV cameras in Washington D.C. were rendered useless by hackers adding an element of uncertainty in regards to what may have taken place in and around D.C. just days before Donald Trump’s Inauguration.
