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Facebook Surges To Record High After Smashing Expectations On 1.86 Billion Monthly Users

Facebook Surges To Record High After Smashing Expectations On 1.86 Billion Monthly Users

So much for worries about tech companies rolling over.

After yesterday's AAPL beat which nonetheless resulted in one of the biggest intraday jumps in its stock in history, sending it highest over 6% today, moments ago Facebook reported results which crushed expectations, and have sent the company higher as much as 3%. The street was expecting $8.81 billion in revenue and EPS of $1.34. Instead it got revenue of $8.81 billion, a 51% increase from 2015 - 84% of which came from mobile - and EPS of $1.44, a 78% increase.

Those Who Say Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value Need to Imbibe the Gospel of True Education

Those Who Say Bitcoin Has No Intrinsic Value Need to Imbibe the Gospel of True Education

Last week I queried "Is Bitcoin the Undisputed Best Performing Asset Class In the World?". The purpose of that piece and the piece before it was to debunk long standing misconceptions as to the actual investment performance of BTC (bitcoin) as portrayed by respected institutions such as the London Business School and the Financial Times, not to mention Money Magazine. 

Now, it's time to get into exactly what value propositions are there to support bitcoin's price.

Online Grocer Debuts "Fruit-Picking Robot" In Latest Blow To Minimum Wage Proponents

In the latest sign that low-skill jobs are doomed to the inevitable, detrimental effects of technological advancements, particularly in era of politicians relentlessly fighting for higher minimum wages, an online grocer in Britain, Ocada, has debuted a prototype of a robotic arm that can pick fruit off an assembly line just like a human worker.  Per a report from BBC, the fruit and vegetable picker is part of a five-year, EU-funded collaboration between five European universities and Disney, called Soma (Soft Manipulation).
