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Scientists Find New Evidence For Life On Mars

NASA scientists have found brand new evidence of life on Mars in the form of a chemical element that is essential for DNA synthesis. According to a 14 December announcement at the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, NASA’s Curiosity rover found the chemical element boron on the surface of the red planet – a chemical that is crucial in supporting life. reports: “No prior mission to Mars has found boron,” said Patrick Gasda, a researcher at the US Department of Energy’s Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico.

New York Times Demands Ad Networks ‘Ban Independent Media’

New York Times CEO, Mark Thompson, has urged advertising networks to cease funding all forms of independent media outlets, claiming that they are guilty of spreading “fake news”. Speaking to the Detroit Economic Club, Mark Thompson urged advertising networks to starve all forms of alternative media and independent news websites of cash, thus causing them to disappear from the Internet altogether. “As for the digital giants, I believe they need to think hard about transparency and accountability.

Yahoo Admits Another Billion Accounts Hacked, Possibly By "State-Sponsored Actor"

Yahoo Admits Another Billion Accounts Hacked, Possibly By "State-Sponsored Actor"

Having admitted in September to 200 million accounts hacked, and then confessed it was half a billion in October, Yahoo has just come out with statement confirming that an unauthorized third party, in August 2013, stole data associated with more than one billion user accounts, and this is likely distinct from the incident they previously disclosed. They do still say that "we have connected some of this activity to the same state-sponsored actor believed to be responsible for the previousdata theft."

Video: Pentagon Launches Terrorist Vaccine

A video of a top secret presentation at the Pentagon has come to light with details of a vaccine which was in development ten years ago to change the genetic make-up of a potential terrorist. The video shows a snippet of a longer presentation to Pentagon officials by a scientist who explains how it is possible to inject a vaccine into someone who has displayed terrorist tendencies on an MRI brain scan. The scientist explains how the vaccine can change the genetic structure of the identifiers terrorist and eradicate their desire to cause mayhem.
