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Putin Warns Americans To Be Careful Of Smart Technology

Smart technology is a tool being used by the New World Order to control and manipulate the masses and we should be ‘very, very careful’ about how much power we allow smart technology to have in our lives, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin. The “genius” of the New World Order surveillance project lies in the fact that “consumers have been conned into paying out of their own pockets for the devices that will spy on them and their families,” Putin said, speaking to a visiting group in the Kremlin.

US Constitution Listed As ‘Russian Propaganda’ and ‘Fake News’

The mainstream media’s war on fake news has taken an unexpected turn as the U.S. Constitution has been labelled as “Russian propaganda” by their ‘fake news algorithm’.  The Washington Post wrote an op-ed on Thursday detailing how Russia used websites run the U.S. to push anti-Hillary Clinton propaganda in order to ensure Trump won. reports: The left is very focused on “fake news” websites after Hillary Clinton suffered a shocking loss in the November 8th election to Republican Donald Trump.

Japan Plans To Build World’s Fastest Supercomputer

Japan is aiming to regain the edge in technology innovation which it lost to China and South Korea, by building the world’s fastest computer. The Japanese government is to spend 19.5 billion yen ($173 million) on creating the fastest supercomputer known to man with a 130 petaflops processing power that would propel the country into a new technological era. Currently China’s Sunway TaihuLight holds the record with 93 petaflops capacity, churning calculations at the rate of 93 quadrillion per second.

Investigation: Most ‘Fake News’ Sites Run By Democratic Organization

A National Public Radio investigation has uncovered evidence that the majority of ‘fake news’ websites are run by a Democratic organization in California called “Disinfomedia”. The NPR investigation found that the “godfather” of fake news is a Democrat based in Culver City, California, who runs a multitude of the most prominent fake news sites on the web, aimed at discrediting the alternative media.

Facebook Builds Censorship Tool To Re-Enter China

Several Facebook employees have reportedly quit the social media company amid criticism that it has developed a special software to suppress posts in China in concession for re-entering the Chinese market. Facebook has been banned in the country since 2009 and the new censorship tool could allow China to monitor and suppress content in news feeds based on user’s location. WCCF Tech reports: New York Times reports that Mark Zuckerberg has created a software to suppress posts from appearing in people’s news feeds in specific geographic areas.
