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The Role Of Technology In Limiting Privilege And Bias

The Role Of Technology In Limiting Privilege And Bias

Submitted by Charles Hugh-Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

Technology cannot eliminate human bias or poor decisions, but it has the potential to eliminate systemic bias and privilege.

Technological skills are often viewed as the dividing line between globalization's "winners" and "Losers." Those with high technology skills tend to be paid considerably more than those with lower skills, and have more opportunities to advance.

Gaza Teen Uses Candle Heat To Generate Electricity

A sixteen year old girl in Gaza has discovered a way to overcome chronic power shortages, by constructing a device that can generate electricity from the heat of candles. The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA ) said that electricity blackouts were triggered when the Gaza Power Plant (GPP) shut down completely in April, having exhausted its fuel reserves due to a shortage of funds. The OCHA said that the blackouts lasted for 18-30 hours a day.

Wayback Machine Announces Move To Canada Out Of Fear Of Trump Censorship

Wayback Machine Announces Move To Canada Out Of Fear Of Trump Censorship

Before November 8th a whole host of celebrities vowed to leave the United States if Trump won the presidency (see "These Are The Celebrities Who Vowed To Leave America If Trump Wins").  As far as we know, George Lopez is the only one to subsequently confirm that he will actually be leaving the country despite numerous offers of free private planes and chefs to Lena Dunham to follow through on her pledge...unfortunately she still hasn't taken the bait.

Facebook Staff Quit Amid Unprecedented ‘Alt Media’ Censorship

Facebook’s war on so-called “fake news” has resulted in a number of staff walking out and quitting the social media giant in disgust, according to the New York Times.  As social media giants such as Facebook, Twitter, Reddit and Google crackdown on free speech, employees have begun speaking out against the sneaky tactics being employed to rid the internet of diversity. According to engineers, Facebook have begun tweaking their algorithm to blacklist many alternative media websites that question establishment views.
