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Harvard University: An Ancient Earth Hides Inside Our Planet

Scientists from Harvard University say they have found evidence that an ancient Earth exists within our planet.  According to a team of researchers, a previously unexplained isotopic ratio from within the Earth may be leftover material from an ancient Earth 4.5 billion years ago. The ancient Earth collided with a huge celestial body that eventually led to the creation of Earth’s moon, the scientists say. reports: The creation of Earth’s Moon and its origin are among some of the greatest scientific mysteries of science.

Scientists Confirm ‘Alien Probe’ Will Pass By Earth In 2017

Scientists have confirmed that in 2017 a mysterious ‘alien probe’ object will pass by the Earth, leaving them baffled as to its origin.  Scientists studying the approaching object say its continued speed does not make sense due to the fact that it continues to move towards us at a varying speed, meaning that it accelerates and decelerates gradually. The mysterious object was originally discovered in November 1991 by astronomer James Scotti. reports: The object referred to as 1991VN is a mere 10 meters in diameter and has a heliocentric orbit spin past the edge of the Milky Way.
