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Electromagnetic Warfare System Being Tested By Russia

Russia’s leading producer of electronic warfare equipment has launched tests of its tactical electromagnetic combat complex. The system is capable of neutralizing all enemy electronics when fully integrated with the latest air-defense systems. Russia Today reports: Factory testing is underway for components of the new system, capable of protecting troops and civilian facilities from air and space attacks, a representative of Russia’s leading producer of electronic warfare systems, Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET), told TASS.

US Supreme Court Expands FBI Hacking Powers To Entire World

The US Supreme Court has given permission to the FBI to legally search computers belonging to members of the public worldwide, expanding the agencies hacking powers at home and abroad.  The rule change means that the US Department of Justice (DoJ) can obtain search warrants from a judge for computers located anywhere in the world, where previously a judge would have been limited to operate only within the jurisdiction of their court. BBC News reports: A remote search typically involves trying to access a suspect’s computer over the internet to explore the data contained on it.

Google AI Has Access To Confidential NHS Patient Data

A leaked data-sharing agreement between Google-owned artificial intelligence (AI) company DeepMind and the NHS reveals that Google has access to sensitive patient data belonging to 1.6 million citizens in the UK.  The collaboration between Google and the UK’s National Health Service goes beyond what has publicly been admitted, according to the document obtained by New Scientist magazine.

Large Hadron Collider Shuts Down Because Of A Weasel

The Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator at Cern has been taken offline…by a weasel….apparently The poor creature did not survive the encounter with a high-voltage transformer at the site near Geneva in Switzerland. The LHC was running when an apparent “severe electrical perturbation” occurred in the early hours of Friday morning. A CERN spokesman said that the weasel did not get into the tunnels, just the electrical facilities.
