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Um…Our Heroes? Gmail Now Warns If Government Spying On You

This all seems a bit odd. Some of the biggest tech companies, such as Apple and now, Gmail, are trying to “protect” its users from government oversight and surveillance? It seems a bit odd, considering both of those companies, as well as other tech titans such as Facebook,  were,not so long ago synonymous with aiding the government spying on it’s citizens. Maybe they have realized they created a monster? Or, perhaps, sadly, it is just a diversion – another smoke screen to pull people away from the truth.

Microsoft's Twitter Chat Robot Quickly Devolves Into Racist, Homophobic, Nazi, Obama-Bashing Psychopath

Microsoft's Twitter Chat Robot Quickly Devolves Into Racist, Homophobic, Nazi, Obama-Bashing Psychopath

Two months ago, Stephen Hawking warned humanity that its days may be numbered: the physicist was among over 1,000 artificial intelligence experts who signed an open letter about the weaponization of robots and the ongoing "military artificial intelligence arms race."

Overnight we got a vivid example of just how quickly "artificial intelligence" can spiral out of control when Microsoft's AI-powered Twitter chat robot, Tay, became a racist, misogynist, Obama-hating, antisemitic, incest and genocide-promoting psychopath when released into the wild.

Anonymous Opens Up Another Cyber Front Against ISIS

Anonymous hacktivists have responded to Tuesday’s terror attacks on Belgium by ISIS by opening up another front in their ongoing cyber war with Islamic State terrorists. “we are anonymous, we are legion, we do not forgive, we do not forget, we are free. Expect us.” The Mirror reports: The message comes just a day after 31 people were killed in explosions as Brussels airport and at Maalbeek metro station. Wearing their trademark hood and mask, and speaking with a computerised voice the group tells listeners: “Our freedom is once again under attack “This cannot continue.
