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Siri Now Responds To Rape Claims

Siri, the iPhone’s built-in digital “assistant” has been criticized for not understanding the full meaning behind a victim telling the artificial intelligence that they were a victim of sexual assault.  However, the tech giant has now updated the software so that Siri is better equipped to deal with sensitive queries. According to IBNLive: In the past, Siri gave responses to statements like “I was raped,” inadequately. It would simply respond, “I don’t know what you mean by ‘I was raped'” and instead redirected users to web search.

Israeli Cyber Security Helped FBI Unlock Apple iPhone

The FBI used an Israeli cyber security firm to unlock San Bernardino gunman Syed Rizwan Farook’s iPhone. Israel’s cyber security industry with its military connections is a flourishing business and has an eye out for expansion. The recent battle between Apple and the FBI to unlock San Bernardino shooter’s mobile phone has aroused the interest of many involved in Israel’s security industry.

Lasers To Cloak The Earth Will Prevent Alien Invasion, Say Scientists

Scientists have announced plans to shine laser beams into space in an effort to protect the earth from an incoming alien invasion.  Two US-based astronomers suggest the lasers could be used to cloak the earth’s biosignature from malicious intelligence lifeforms, making them believe that the planet is effectively ‘dead’ and thus not worth exploring. BBC News reports: A number of researchers have questioned the wisdom of advertising our existence to the galaxy. They fear that if aliens did visit us they might not be very friendly, and could introduce disease.
