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Neel "Break Up The Big Banks" Kashkari Speaks About TBTF - Live Webcast

After making waves last week for daring to suggest that big bank regulation has failed and that the TBTF problem has not been addressed, a problem which Kashkari himself launched with his bailout of the banks in 2008, moments ago the new president of the Minneapolis Fed started a live conversation in which he will once again address the TBTF problem, which he just repeated "has not been solved" much to the chagrin of the Fed's largest stakeholders.

Watch it live below. Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream

Bill Gates: Apple Should Grant FBI Backdoor Access To iPhone’s

Bill Gates has urged Apple to grant the U.S. government permission to have backdoor access to their iPhone devices, saying that he agrees with the FBI’s demand to Apple to unlock the phone of one of the San Bernardino perpetrators.  “This is a specific case where the government is asking for access to information. They are not asking for some general thing, they are asking for a particular case,” Gates told the Financial Times.

‘Superman’ Crystals Can Store Huge Amounts Of Data For Billions Of Years

Researchers at the University of Southampton have said they have found a way of storing huge amounts of digital data on tiny glass data storage devices they have dubbed “superman crystals”. The crystals resemble the memory crystals seen in the Superman movies. The technology is capable of surviving billions of years, the scientists said this week. CNN Money reports: That’s a lot longer than your average computer hard drive. Sadly, the human inventions don’t look like the glittering crystals that Superman uses to generate holograms of people from his home planet.

NASA Tapes Reveal Astronauts Heard Unexplained Music On Far Side Of Moon

NASA have released tape recordings that show the crew of an Apollo 10 mission encountering unexplained music-like radio transmissions coming through their headsets when they travelled the far side of the moon.  In 1969, two months before Apollo 11’s historic landing on the moon, Apollo 10 entered lunar orbit, which included passing across the far side of the moon, when the crew heard “strange, otherworldly music” through their headsets. For the last 40-years, the crew kept this startling revelation a secret until now.

Man Sues Smart TV Company Over Illegal Spying

A man from Indiana is suing the manufacturer of his smart TV set over claims that the television is ‘secretly spying’ on him and passing confidential information onto third parties.  Tent Strader has filed a 27-page lawsuit in Indianapolis where he accuses the Vizio smart television set as monitoring his viewing habits without his permission – collecting data illegally such as websites he has visited and products he has purchased online through the web-enabled TV.
