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Mysterious ‘Alien Signals’ Traced Back To Distant Galaxy

A team of UK scientists have traced the origins of mysterious “alien signals” to a galaxy six billion light years away.  Seventeen “fast radio bursts” (FRBs) recorded since 2007 are believed to show proof of extraterrestrial intelligence, and scientists have been busy researching their origins for the last nine years. The cause of the bursts is still unknown, but scientists say they emit as much energy as the sun emits in 10,000 years.

The End Of The Road For Tablets

Tablets did not feature this year at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. After Apple released the first iPad in 2010, the market for Android tablets is not as hot as it once promised to be. Large screen smartphones are encroaching on the Tablets’ 7″ domain. Tech Crunch reports: To be fair, if you looked hard enough, you could find an Android tablet or two hidden in a corner of the Fira Gran Via. And Apple, the tablet leader, doesn’t come to MWC. But it’s safe to say that tablets are not the future for the Samsungs and LGs of the consumer electronics world.

U.S. Gov Wants Facebook To Tighten Censorship To Battle ‘Extremist Views’

The U.S. government have urged online media giants such as Facebook and Google to join them in the war against ‘extremism’ and ‘radicalization’ by toughening their censorship rules when dealing with online users harbouring ‘extremist views’.  The Justice Department met with Facebook Inc, Twitter, and Google – reaching out to them for help following the governments failed attempts to thwart ISIS’ presence online.

The Vatican Own A Time Travel Device, Insiders Claim

The Vatican may own a time travel device that enables them to see future events and look at scenes from the past, according to a several insiders.  The device known as a Cronovisor may be one of the biggest secrets kept from humanity and it could explain why the Church have maintained its immense power in recent years despite a decline in believers. The time travelling device was built in the 1950’s by a team of scientists led by Father Pellegrino Maria Ernetti – an Italian physicist who went on to become a priest.
