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Google Testing Superfast 5G Drone Powered Global Networks

American technological giant Google is working on building ultrafast 5G networks that will be powered by solar-powered drones, in order to provide high-speed internet connectivity to the world. Techradar reports: The secret project, codenamed SkyBender, is currently in a trial phase at Spaceport America in New Mexico, the Guardian reports. The plan could potentially offer data speeds around 40 times faster than the maximum 4G/LTE speeds currently available to smartphones and other devices.

U.S. Officials Say North Korea Did Test A Hydrogen Bomb This Month

A U.S. official has confirmed that North Korea may have tested components of a hydrogen bomb on January 6, after reviewing intelligence of the operation.  The unnamed official says there was a partial test of a hydrogen bomb, despite claims to the contrary by Western media outlets. reports: Immediately following the test earlier this month, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said the initial analysis that have been conducted was “not consistent” with a successful hydrogen bomb test. The U.S.

Google Robot Has ‘Cracked’ World’s Most Complex Game

Google researchers have announced a big step forward for Artificial intelligence (AI) as one of its machines mastered the ancient Chinese game, Go, outclassing the current European champion of the game.  The 2,500 year old game as proved a difficult one for computers to beat over the years due to its near infinite number of moves and complex scoring system. reports: But that all changed this week as Google’s researchers brought a fresh approach and wealth of computing power to findings published in the scientific journal Nature.
