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Newsletter Notice of New Postings

Newsletter Notice of New Postings

Dear Readers,

The newsletter is a service that the website uses to alert readers who subscribe to the free newsletter of new postings to the website. I have heard from some of you that you have ceased to receive the newsletter, and readers have requested that I put them back on the list.

First, only you can put yourself on the list, and only you are supposed to be able to take yourself off the list. You can put yourself back on the list by signing up again. The open question is: who is taking readers off the list.

NSA Whistleblower Snowden Launches Mobile App For Paranoid People

NSA Whistleblower Snowden Launches Mobile App For Paranoid People

Famed NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden has just launched Haven, an app for people to transform any Android smartphone into a high-tech security system for detecting intrusions.

Snowden, while currently on the run from the CIA, hiding somewhere in Moscow until 2020, has found enough time to launch his new mobile security app last Friday for the sufficiently paranoid person (e.g. activists, dissidents, journalists, & etc).

Social Media Platforms Need To Be Regulated! NYU Prof Sees "Dangerous Issues For Society"

Social Media Platforms Need To Be Regulated! NYU Prof Sees "Dangerous Issues For Society"

Authored by Vasant Dhar, NYU Sterm Professor, op-ed via CNBC,

Unregulated social media platforms pose significant societal risks. That's what we found out after the 2016 election, when it became clear that social media had been used for political mass manipulation in the world's oldest democracy.
