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O'Keefe Drops Part 2: NYT Editor Brags About Colluding With YouTube To Push Political Agenda

Yesterday we covered the latest James O'Keefe undercover video bombshell which featured the New York Times' Audience Strategy Editor, Nick Dudich, admitting to  exploiting his position at the Times to promote content that intentionally sought to, among other things, damage President Trump's businesses as a means towards forcing his resignation (see: O'Keefe Strikes Again, Catches NYT Editors On Hidden Camera: "Targeting Trump's Businesses, His Dumb F**k Of A Son").

Facebook, Instagram Experiencing "Extreme" Outages As Complaints Pile Up

Facebook, Instagram Experiencing "Extreme" Outages As Complaints Pile Up

Facebook and Instagram are down for thousands of users across the world this morning, with websites like Outage Report recording “extreme” outages in the US Hungary, Kosovo, Germany, Poland and other countries. The sites went down shortly after 11 a.m.

This is the second widespread outage for both social networks (Instagram is owned by Facebook) in less than two months. Facebook blamed the most recent outage, which occurred on Aug. 26, on unspecified “technical issues.”

Facebook Security Chief Lashes Out: "Censorship Is Easy If You Don't Worry About Becoming The Ministry Of Truth"

Facebook Security Chief Lashes Out: "Censorship Is Easy If You Don't Worry About Becoming The Ministry Of Truth"

In a furious tweetstorm this weekend, Facebook's Chief Security Officer warned interfering desperate politicians and triggered letfists that the fake news problem is more complicated and dangerous to solve than the public thinks.

As a reminder, we noted that Alex Stamos was seemingly pressured into 'finding' Russian evidence after Senator Mark Warner paid the social media company a visit -
