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Facebook Engagement-For-Hire Economy Has Generated More Than 100 Million Fake Likes

Facebook Engagement-For-Hire Economy Has Generated More Than 100 Million Fake Likes

After Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg earlier this week confirmed allegations that the company had sold at least $100,000 of ads to a Russia-backed troll farm – igniting a firestorm of liberal sanctimony as pundits like Rachel Maddow proclaimed that they had finally found the “smoking gun” proving that Russians had swayed the election in President Trump’s favor – researchers at the University of Iowa have pulled back the curtain on the seedy underbelly of Facebook's illicit influence-peddling economy.

Huge Solar Flare Sparks Widespread Blackouts, May Deter Korean Missile Launch This Weekend

Huge Solar Flare Sparks Widespread Blackouts, May Deter Korean Missile Launch This Weekend

The sun just released a massive solar flare.

In fact, as's Mac Slavo details, this is the largest solar flare emitted in the past decade, and the earth has already been affected by blackouts.

NASA has reported a huge solar flare was emitted by the Sun and it is the most powerful one since 2006.  

Kalashnikov Unveils New Anti-Drone Weapon

Kalashnikov Unveils New Anti-Drone Weapon

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

While most western countries are reverting back to medieval technology to combat the use of drones, legendary Russian arms manufacturer Kalashnikov, makers of the AK series, has developed an advanced anti-drone gun.

Drones are now becoming more widely available, therefore, anti-drone technology is becoming a major field in the defense industry.
