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Silicon Valley "Outraged" After Google Employee Pens Viral Doc Slamming "Anti-Conservative" Culture

A 10-page document penned by an unnamed Google engineer titled "Google's Ideological Echo Chamber", that criticizes the company's "left leaning", "anti-conservative" culture and calls for replacing Google's diversity initiatives with policies that encourage "ideological diversity" instead, has led to outrage among fellow Google employees and Silicon Valley pundits. The document, first reported by Motherboard and published in full by Gizmodo, reportedly has gone "internally viral" inside the company on Friday according to CNBC.

3 Crucial Battles in the War of Big Tech

Via The Daily Bell

1. Google Plays Favorites and Arbitrarily Bans Content From Results

Google used to base its search algorithms on what the user wanted to see. Now they are starting to interject their own ideas about what people should see. In April Google announced

that they would be taking measures to punish “low quality content” such as misleading information, offensive results, hoaxes and conspiracy theories.

China Unveils Emergency Drill To "Shut Down Harmful Websites"

China Unveils Emergency Drill To "Shut Down Harmful Websites"

China's 19th National Congress of the Communist Party - the quinquennial confab where the party selects new members of the Politburo, its ruling council - is expected to begin this fall (official dates have not yet been publicly announced). And in an effort to guarantee that the leadership reshuffle goes off without a hitch, President Xi Jinping is tightening the government’s grip on the internet to help protect the official narrative that Xi's "Chinese Dream" remains intact.
