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Visualizing The Dark Side Of The Web

Visualizing The Dark Side Of The Web

The term Dark Web is evocative. It conjures up images of hitmen, illegal drugs, and pedophilia. One imagines a place where the dark side of human nature flourishes away from the eyes – and laws – of society at large.

Today’s infographic, from Cartwright King Solicitors, cuts through the mystique and provides an entertaining and practical overview of the Deep Web and the Dark Web.

Courtesy of: Visual Capitalist



Stunning New Software Fakes Video Of Former US President Barack Obama

Stunning New Software Fakes Video Of Former US President Barack Obama

What will we do when the video clips we rely on for news are routinely and effortlessly faked – when it becomes nearly impossible to differentiate genuine statements from malicious imitations without a thorough investigation? Will you continue to believe every word uttered by US media organizations like CNN?   Or will you slowly learn to question every piece of information you receive?   

The 75,000 Mile Wide Hole In The Sun Could Black Out Earth's Communications

The 75,000 Mile Wide Hole In The Sun Could Black Out Earth's Communications

Authored by Mac Slavo via,


The sunspot spotted by NASA as our sun creeps toward its solar minimum is 75,000 miles wide. That has huge implications for our satellites and communications systems, and the sunspot could cause some blackouts on Earth.

The huge sunspot has the potential to send out dangerous solar flares known to take out important communication equipment, satellites, and even huge sections of the power grid. 

Is This The First Sign Of A Technology Dump And A Neo-Luddite Era?

Is This The First Sign Of A Technology Dump And A Neo-Luddite Era?

Authored by Jim Quinn via The Burning Platform blog,

Are we on the verge of a rebellion against technology?

Yesterday I was taken aback when I noticed an elderly Wal-mart greeter amusing herself with a fidget spinner.

What the hell is a fidget spinner? It’s a toy you just spin with your fingers.

It’s the hottest selling summer entertainment item that retails between $2.99-$8.99 depending on wether it lights up or makes noise.
