Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya's Sarin To Syrian Rebels
Authored by Eric Zuesse via,
Authored by Eric Zuesse via,
Is Turkey the support behind ISIS? A documentary released by RT lays out evidence that would lead to that conclusion... one we first exposed here, here, and here... and is interestingly timed given Europe's potential desire to regain some leverage over Erdogan.
Earlier this week, Turkey demanded the removal of a photo from an exhibition in Switzerland. The photo claims that Erdogan, who was Prime minister at the time, was directly involved in the murder of a teenager during anti-government protests in 2013. The demand has been rejected. The Vice Mayor Guillaume Barazzone told Swiss media: “Geneva will not allow any country to be influenced in this matter.
The US have confirmed they will be supplying advanced rocket launcher systems to Turkey in order to allow the Turkish regime to launch a military assault in Syria against the Assad regime. On Tuesday the Turkish Foreign Ministry announced that the US has agreed to supply them with the M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HMIARS), a truck mounted rocket launcher used by the U.S. during the Iraq invasion. reports: The announcement lends credence to fears that the rockets will be turned against the Assad government.
Turkey has started refusing entry to foreign journalists without giving any explanation for its actions. Over the past few days a Greek photojournalist on assignment for the German tabloid Bild and an American journalist have both been denied entry and sent home from Istanbul. RT reports: Giorgos Moutafis, 38, was denied entry to Turkey after landing in Istanbul on Saturday and was sent back to Athens. He was kicked out of the country less than an hour after German Chancellor Angela Merkel had left, having visited a refugee camp in Gaziantep, the newspaper pointed out.