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UN Human Rights Council

Russia Has Been Suspended From the UN Human Rights Council

The Briefing

  • 93 countries voted in favor of suspending Russia from the UN’s Human Rights Council, including all NATO member countries
  • 24 countries voted against the resolution, including; China, Iran, and North Korea

Russia Has Been Suspended From the UN Human Rights Council

On April 7, 2022, the United Nations suspended Russia from its seat on the Human Rights Council.

Trump Considers Quitting UN Human Rights Council

President Donald Trump is considering withdrawing the United States from the UN Human Rights Council. The Trump administration has reportedly accused the UNHRC of being biased against Israel and are questioning its usefulness. Press TV reports: A final decision on whether the US would leave the council is expected to be made by the president himself, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, as well as the new US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, POLITICO reported, citing informed sources.