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United Kingdom

Police Simulate Terror Attack At Manchester Shopping Centre

A ‘Suicide bomber’ detonated explosives in the Trafford Centre, Manchester, ‘killing and wounding’ dozens of people Explosions and gunfire could be heard in one of  Britain’s second busiest shopping centre early this morning in one of the biggest counter terrorism training exercises. The SAS were also involved in the operation, which took place while the shopping centre was closed between midnight and 6am. The Independent reports: A mock suicide bomber acted out an explosion at Manchester’s Trafford Centre overnight as hundreds of people ran screaming and hid in shops and restaurants.

British PM David Cameron Warns ‘Brexit Will Trigger WW3’

British Prime Minister David Cameron has urged the people of Britain to not allow the Brexit campaign to influence their decision, warning that the Continent could descend into WW3 if Britain leaves the EU. Mr Cameron said Britain must remain in the EU in order to ensure the stability of Europe. reports: Introduced by Labour ex-Foreign Secretary David Miliband at the British Museum in London, he said: “Can we be so sure peace and stability on our continent are assured beyond any shadow of doubt? Is that a risk worth taking?



Submitted by by Erico Matias Tavares via Sinclair & Co.,

On 23 June the British will vote in a referendum to decide whether their country should remain in or leave (BREXIT) the European Union (EU). The importance of this event cannot be overstated, since it will impact the future of the UK – and very likely that of Europe – for decades to come.

Donald Trump Has A Feeling Britain Would Be ‘Better Off Without’ EU

Donald Trump has come out in support of Brexit saying that Britain would be “better off without” the European Union (EU) The presumptive Republican nominee for president said that he was not making a “recommendation” but his “feeling” was that the UK should vote to sever ties with the EU. Press TV reports: “I would say [the British] are better off without [the EU], personally,” he said. “But I’m not making that as a recommendation, just my feeling.” “I know Great Britain very well, I know the country very well. I have a lot of investments there,” he said.
