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Donald Trump Has A Feeling Britain Would Be ‘Better Off Without’ EU

Donald Trump has come out in support of Brexit saying that Britain would be “better off without” the European Union (EU) The presumptive Republican nominee for president said that he was not making a “recommendation” but his “feeling” was that the UK should vote to sever ties with the EU. Press TV reports: “I would say [the British] are better off without [the EU], personally,” he said. “But I’m not making that as a recommendation, just my feeling.” “I know Great Britain very well, I know the country very well. I have a lot of investments there,” he said. Last month, US President Barack Obama warned that leaving the EU would diminish Britain’s role on the world stage and leave it at “the back of the queue” for trade deals with the United States. Brexit supporters and other British conservative politicians reacted angrily to Obama’s interference in domestic matters. Earlier this year, Trump was the subject of debate in the British parliament over whether he should be banned from entering the country because of his comments about Muslims and other bigoted remarks. The UK will hold a referendum on June 23 on whether the country should remain a member of [...]