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United Kingdom

Snow Alert As UK Braces For Arctic Blast

The UK is set to shiver this week. While the world celebrates the first month of spring, Britons are set to experience winter all over again. The Met Office is warning of a blast of Artic air hitting parts of the country, with wintry showers in Scotland and the north and up to four inches of snow in some places and temperatures of -5C . The Daily Express reports: Coastal regions and exposed communities are braced for chilling 60mph gales with hail, snow and thunder threatening to pile on the misery.

Obama Brexit Blowback - Majority Of Brits Think Comments "Inappropriate"

Obama Brexit Blowback - Majority Of Brits Think Comments "Inappropriate"

Who could have seen that coming? It appears President Obama's ill-advised Op-Ed and visit to The United Kingdom, exhorting his "friends" to 'just say no' to Brexit and vote democratically to stay part of an undemocratic superstate, has backfired for the establishment. A poll by YouGov suggests that Obama's high profile intervention in the UK's EU Referendum failed with 65% of Brits seeing his comments were not "appropriate."



Anti-Drone ‘Death Ray’ May Be Installed In British Airports

A military-grade drone-killing ‘death ray’ that is reportedly capable of destroying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) from up to 6 miles away could soon be in use in UK airports. The hi-tech ‘death ray’ is among counter-measures being considered that could be used to disable drones flying near British airports. Police chiefs are looking at the aggressive measure following a suspected drone collision with a passenger jet at Heathrow last week. The incident led to a drone ban over London and Windsor during US President Barrack Obama’s UK visit.

Now Clinton Urges Britain To Remain In European Union

Hillary Clinton has now stuck her oar into the Brexit debate, throwing her weight behind President Obama who advises that Britain should remain within the European Union (EU). No 10 welcomes latest backing ahead of 23 June referendum Obama has already drawn an angry response for telling the British people that they would be better off remaining within the Union. He has also threatened them with loss of American trade if they dare vote to leave Breitbart reports: But former secretary of state Hillary Clinton is not one of those critics.
