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Anti-Drone ‘Death Ray’ May Be Installed In British Airports

A military-grade drone-killing ‘death ray’ that is reportedly capable of destroying unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) from up to 6 miles away could soon be in use in UK airports. The hi-tech ‘death ray’ is among counter-measures being considered that could be used to disable drones flying near British airports. Police chiefs are looking at the aggressive measure following a suspected drone collision with a passenger jet at Heathrow last week. The incident led to a drone ban over London and Windsor during US President Barrack Obama’s UK visit.   RT reports: The AUDS Anti-UAV Defence System would be high on any list of potential defenses, reports suggest. Made by a collection of UK arms firms working under the project name Blighter, the new weapon can detect, track and bring down a hostile UAV from up to 6 miles (9.7km) away using radio waves. The system’s makers say it can “be used in remote or urban areas to prevent UAVs being used for terrorist attacks, espionage or other malicious activities against sites with critical infrastructure.” Apparently trying to assuage fears of immobilized drones raining down on unsuspecting heads, the company says its advanced “directional antennas” allow it to operate a maximum range [...]