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United States

Trump Take-Over Of US Media Complete

According to a report from the Russian Security Council, American leaders have been left in a state of “shock” after learning of Donald Trump’s successful take-over of one of the last US media giants that remained, until now, free form any “Freemasonic influence”.  The Kremlin say that the Freemasons have used Trump and the 2016 US Presidential election to initiate a complete take-over of the country in what is being referred to as a coup d’etat.

The Future Of America? – More Than Half Of All Adults Under-30 Now Reject Capitalism

Submitted by Michael Snider via The Economic Collapse blog,

A shocking new survey has found that support for capitalism is dying in America.  In fact, more than half of all adults in the United States under the age of 30 say that they do not support capitalism at this point.  You might be tempted to dismiss them as “foolish young people”, but the truth is that they are the future of America. As older generations die off, they will eventually become the leaders of this country. 

Russian Fighter Jet Flies Within 50 Feet Of US Spy Plane Over Russian Naval Base

Russian Fighter Jet Flies Within 50 Feet Of US Spy Plane Over Russian Naval Base

Tensions continue to escalate between the US and Russia. As a reminder, Russia conducted several close encounter fly-bys when first a Russian Su-24 "buzzed" the US missile destroyer USS Donald Cook in the Baltic Sea, and just days later flew within 50 feet of a US recon plane also flying over the Baltic Sea. The U.S. quickly responded and complained vocally to Russia, followed quickly by the first deployment of US F-22 stealth fighter to Romania, in close proximity to both the Black Sea and 400 km from the Russian military stronghold of Sevastopol on the Crimean Peninsula.

Automating Ourselves To Unemployment

Automating Ourselves To Unemployment

Submitted by Adam Smith via,

Students of Austrian business cycle theory are familiar with the term malinvestment. A malinvestment is any poor use of resources or capital, commonly made in response to bad policy (usually artificially low interest rates and/or unsustainable increases in the monetary supply). The dot-com bubble that popped in 2001? The housing bubble that similarly burst in 2008? Those were classic examples of malinvestment.
