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Kuroda To The Rescue: Stocks Rebound After Latest BOJ Rumor Sends Yen Plunging

Kuroda To The Rescue: Stocks Rebound After Latest BOJ Rumor Sends Yen Plunging

Just as US equity futures were about to roll over following some very substantial misses yesterday by the likes of Google, Microsoft, Starbucks and a plunge in Visa shares, overnight who came to the markets' rescue but the BOJ, when shortly after midnight Bloomberg reported that "according to people familiar with talks at the BOJ" which is the traditional keyword for a BOJ source testing out the market's reaction, Japan's central bank may "help" local banks to lend by offering a negative rate on some loans.

Obama Writes Op-Ed To "Blood Brother" Britain: Don't Leave EU (Or Else)

Obama Writes Op-Ed To "Blood Brother" Britain: Don't Leave EU (Or Else)

You know the British establishment is in full panic mode when not only do they allow President Obama to visit the nation just a month after throwing Cameron "distracted by other things" and his European neighbors under the bus over the collapse of Libya, but, despite 100 members of Parliament signing a letter telling Obama "not to interfere" with Britain's domestic affairs, The Telegraph prints an Op-Ed in which the lame-duck president lords it over the British citizenry with a veiled threat that should they "his friends" leave Europe, the "special relation

US Assaults British Sovereignty — Paul Craig Roberts

US Assaults British Sovereignty

Paul Craig Roberts

The Washington elite believe that the British people should serve Washington’s interest and not their own. To this end, President Obama has been sent to London to emphasize that the UK must remain in the EU.

Does this make you wonder why it is important to Washington for the British people to surrender their national sovereignty to the European Union? If not, it should.

Pimco Economist Has A Stunning Proposal To Save The Economy: The Fed Should Monetize Gold

Pimco Economist Has A Stunning Proposal To Save The Economy: The Fed Should Monetize Gold

Back in December 2014, just before the ECB officially launched its initial phase of QE in which it would monetize government bonds, Mario Draghi was asked a very direct question: what types of assets could the ECB buy as part of its quantitative easing program. He responded, "we discussed all assets but gold."
