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United States

Fifteen 9/11 Hijackers Were Saudi CIA Plants

Fifteen of the 9/11 hijackers were CIA assets hired by the U.S. government tasked with committing the attacks on September 11, 2001, in order further the U.S. and Israel agenda of destroying the Middle East.  Former congressman Dr. Kevin Barrett claims the truth about these CIA sponsored Saudi agents may become public if the government decide to declassify the redacted 28-pages on the official 9/11 report. Barrett says the documents prove that Saudi Arabia had a leading role in the attacks, which were ultimately orchestrated by the U.S. government.

President Killary

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

This is an English translation of an article that I wrote for the German magazine, Compact. I was encouraged by the high level of intelligent discourse that Compact brings to its readers. If only the US had more people capable of reaching beyond entertainment to comprehending the forces that affect them, there might be some hope for America.


Russia Simulate Attack On US Warship

US officials have confirmed that two Russian warplanes flew “simulated attacks” this week near a US warship stationed in international waters near Russia. Two unarmed Russian Su-24 fighter jets came extremely close to the USS Donald Cook that they created “a wake in the water”, US officials say. Sky News reports: The overflights are said to have occurred on Monday and Tuesday and were described by US officials as “more aggressive than anything we’ve seen in some time”.
