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US Oil Rigs Resume Slide, Drop By 15 In Past Week To New Record Low

US Oil Rigs Resume Slide, Drop By 15 In Past Week To New Record Low

After posting the smallest possible rebound in the past week, moments ago Baker Hughes reported that in the holiday shortened week (in which there was some extrapolation) the decline in US oil rigs has resumed, and as of this moment there were only 372 oil rigs operating in the US, down 15 weekly and the biggest drop in the past moth, to the lowest number in recent history.


The 8 Major Problems The Next President Will Face

Authored by John Mauldin of,

Dear Donald and Hillary:

In around ten months, one of you will wake up as Mr. or Mrs. President. After the fabulous fun of post-inaugural balls, you will walk into the Oval Office on Saturday, January 22 and launch into your first 90 days in office.

During these days, you will want to deliver on as many of your promises as possible. But instead of shadowboxing with hypothetical futures on a debate stage, you’re going to be up against cold, hard reality.
