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The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria — Paul Craig Roberts

The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria

Paul Craig Roberts

While you are enjoying your Sunday, the insane neoconservatives who control Western foreign policy and their Turkish and Saudi Arabian vassals might be preparing the end of the world.

Any person who relies on Western media has no accurate idea of what is happening in Syria.
I will provide a brief summary and then send you to two detailed accounts.

Why Commercial Real Estate Is Next: 'Challenging Technicals' Are About To Become 'Weak Fundamentals'

For the past two years, while largely nonchalant with broader price levels, the Fed has been warning about two particular asset bubbles: that of easy lending particularly in junk bond, and of a commercial real estate bubble. Following the recent rout which has seen the biggest HY selloff since the financial crisis, especially in the energy sector, it is safe to say that the junk bubble has burst - the only question is how much worse it will get before it bottoms (UBS had some unpleasant thoughts on that matter).

Central Banks Are "Malicious Tools Of Wholesale Cultural Destruction"

Originally posted at The Daily Bell,

Stock markets suspect Federal Reserve has interest rate jitters ... Hints that the Fed won't raise interest rates in March are proving to be good news for miners and oil producers' share prices The Federal Reserve's William Dudley said further strengthening in the dollar could have 'significant consequences' for the health of the US economy. – UK Guardian

Blame it on the dollar!

"Autocracy" Vs. "Democracy": Stunning Before And After Pictures Of Syria's Largest City

"Autocracy" Vs. "Democracy": Stunning Before And After Pictures Of Syria's Largest City

As we documented last autumn in “Syria Showdown: Russia, Iran Rally Forces, US Rearms Rebels As ‘Promised’ Battle For Aleppo Begins,” Syria’s largest city has been among the hardest hit of the country’s urban centers over the course of the last five years.

Newsweek documented the destruction in a series of stark and profoundly indelible images in 2012, perhaps the most striking of which was this:

Recapturing the city is critical to restoring Bashar al-Assad’s grip on power.
