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Navy Whistleblower Says He Saw Proof Of Aliens Living On Earth

A former US naval officer has revealed that the U.S. military have proof that UFOs and aliens exist on Earth, claiming that he has seen pictures of aliens in top-secret military files.  The whistleblower has said he needs to remain anonymous due to other military whistleblowers being killed after trying to expose the alien conspiracy publicly. reports: The man, who says he was a third-class petty officer at a US Naval telecommunications centre during the 1980s, before more senior posts in the US Army and Navy Seals, claims to have valuable new evidence about the Bizarre Rendlesham UK UFO mass sightings, in Suffolk in 1980. The married man, now living in Ohio, said he was based at NAS Moffett Field, in California, and he was there from February 1986 to October 1989, while also working with contacts in Silicone Valley. He said: “I have never seen a UFO or ET or alien, however I have seen literally tens of thousand of documents confirming they are real and have visited Earth.” Asked if the files had included photographs of genuine alien crafts and beings, he said: “Yes, absolutely.” The veteran said he was now able to speak because his confidentiality [...]