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Fed Reveals Which "Developments To Financial Stability" It Is Most Worried About

Fed Reveals Which "Developments To Financial Stability" It Is Most Worried About

For a Yellen testimony which explicitly focused on "financial conditions" which have become "less supportive of growth" as one of the chief risks facing the Fed's rate hike philosophy, we were surprised to find that the list of troubling developments "related to financial stability" as laid out in the Fed's Monetary Policy Report to Congress which accompanies the chairwoman's testimony, was relatively sparse.

BP's Stunning Warning: "Every Oil Storage Tank Will Be Full In A Few Months"

BP's Stunning Warning: "Every Oil Storage Tank Will Be Full In A Few Months"

It was just last week when we said that Cushing may be about to overflow in the face of an acute crude oil supply glut.

“Even the highly adaptive US storage system appears to be reaching its limits,” we wrote, before plotting Cushing capacity versus inventory levels. We also took a look at the EIA’s latest take on the subject and showed you the following chart which depicts how much higher inventory levels are today versus their five-year averages.

Australia Admits Recent Stellar Job Numbers Were Cooked

Australia Admits Recent Stellar Job Numbers Were Cooked

Two months ago the Australian media, which unlike its US counterpart refuses to be spoon fed ebullient economic propaganda, called bullshit on the spectacular October job numbers, when instead of adding 15,000 jobs as consensus expected, Australia's Bureau of Statistics reported that a whopping 58,600 jobs had been added.  We covered this in "Australian Media Throws Up All Over 'Stellar' Jobs Report: "Don't Believe The Jobs Figures!"
