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United States

The United Arab Emirates Ready To Send Ground Troops To Syria

Following hot on the heels of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) said that it was also ready to send ground troops to Syria to fight ISIS Syria’s Foreign Minister said earlier that any ground operation in Syria, carried out without consent from Damascus, would be viewed as an act of aggression, warning that any potential aggressors would return to their country in a wooden coffin RT reports: The UAE’s preparedness to participate in a ground military operation in Syria was confirmed by Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Anwar Gargash, who said that “US leadership on

Crunch Time?

Crunch Time?

Submitted by Paul Bordsky via,

It seems monetary policy is exhausted and the next exogenous lever to pull would be political fiscal initiatives. If/when they fail to stimulate demand, there would be only one avenue left – currency devaluation. If/when confidence in the mightiest currency wanes, we would expect the US dollar to be devalued too - not against other fiat currencies, but against a relatively scarce Fed asset.

Seriously Squirrely

Putin: Western Governments Are Enslaving Humanity Through Vaccines

An insider from the Ministry of Health in Russia has revealed that an explosive report is being prepared that will be presented to the Kremlin on Tuesday regarding the huge vaccination cover-up being perpetuated by the US government agencies and its regulatory bodies, which is having disastrous consequences around most of the world. It is understood President Putin personally requested the report.
