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The Bernie & Hillary 'Group Think' Show - Cynics, Cowards, Or Populist Propagandists

Submitted by Robert Parry via,

A curious reality about Official Washington is that to have “credibility” you must accept the dominant “group thinks” whether they have any truth to them or not, a rule that applies to both the mainstream news media and the political world, even to people who deviate from the pack on other topics.

New York Times Exposes How Saudi Arabia Funded CIA Black Ops

The U.S. government have been secretly colluding with Saudi Arabia who have funded the CIA’s “black op” programs in Syria.  A New York Times investigation has found that President Obama authorised the CIA to arm Syrian rebels in 2013 with money and weapons from the brutal Saudi Arabian regime. reports: Code-named Timber Sycamore, the clandestine operation initially authorized the CIA to provide nonlethal assistance and training to the rebels but not weapons.
