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United States

Republican Myopia on ISIS

Among the presidential candidates of the Republican Party and their foreign policy leaders on Capitol Hill the cry is almost universal:

Barack Obama has no strategy for winning the war on ISIS.

This criticism, however, sounds strange coming from a party that controls Congress but has yet to devise its own strategy, or even to authorize the use of U.S. military force in Syria.

Congress has punted. And compared to the cacophony from Republican ranks, Barack Obama sounds like Prince Bismarck.

Putin: Russia Is Ready To Show Proof That 9/11 Was An Inside Job

Russian President Vladimir Putin has named the date he plans to release proof that the US government and intelligence agencies were responsible for the “controlled demolition” of the World Trade Centre in the 9/11 attacks. Like a boxer confident in his own strength, Putin has been absorbing pressure from the US and biding his time, waiting for the right moment to strike. The evidence is so explosive he knows he only has to hit once.

EPA Admit They Knew Bees Were Dying Worldwide Due To Pesticides

The U.S. government have admitted for the first time that bees are dying in record numbers due to pesticide poisoning, and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) say they have known this for at least 20 years.  Despite a decade of pressure from environmentalists and beekeepers to deal with the bee crisis and curb the use a harmful insecticide causing the bee deaths, the EPA has fought against the public pressure until recently.
