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Futures, USDJPY, Crude Spike As PBOC Tries To Calm Panic

Futures, USDJPY, Crude Spike As PBOC Tries To Calm Panic

Yuantervention overnight steadied the Chinese currency and despite a plunge in Asian equities, stabilized US equities thanks to an incvessant bid for USDJPY. However, this morning has seen PBOC's Ma crawl out from under the desk to attempt to calm investor panic with two-faced comments about the nation's new FX regime. Noting that PBOC will focus on stability of Yuan vs their new CFETS basket, Ma then back-handedly said two-way volatility was expected to increase (in a clear nod to stopping carry traders piling on).

Goldman Closes "Top Trade For 2016" With 5.4% Loss Just 11 Days Into 2016, As US Banks Tumble

Goldman Closes "Top Trade For 2016" With 5.4% Loss Just 11 Days Into 2016, As US Banks Tumble

Less than two months ago, on November 16, Goldman released its list of top trades for 2016, #1 of which was the infamous long USDJPY, short EURUSD equial-weighted basket which has led to massive losses for anyone who has since put it on. At the current rate of carry trade unwinds, we expect that this trade will be closed out shortly, and may have been overnight when the USDJPY plunged to the lowest since the ETFlash crash.

But while we wait, here is a reminder what the #6 top trade for 2016 was:
