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What The Charts Say: "US Stocks Are In Riskiest Position In Seven Years"

What The Charts Say: "US Stocks Are In Riskiest Position In Seven Years"

Via John Murphy,

MAJOR STOCK INDEXES ENTER CORRECTION TERRITORY... After suffering the worst start to a new year in history, the U.S. stock market has entered correction territory which is defined by a drop of 10% from its old high. The charts pretty much speak for themselves. All three major stock indexes fell to three month lows in heavy trading. The next downside target is the two lows formed in August and late September.

New US Security Law On Visa Waiver Program Is Not So Helpful

After the San Bernardino Terrorist attacks, a new law has been passed by US lawmakers that amended the visa waiver program in order to provide enhanced security. The new law, known as HR 158, restricts a group of people and certain nationalities from automatically gaining access to US soil without a thorough background check. While the US tries to combat the threat posed by the Islamic State, it could at the same time be hindering its own progress in opening up to a whole group of moderate Muslims.
