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United States

Major US Cities In States Of Emergency Over Homeless Crisis

A growing number of US cities are declaring states of emergency as the number of people becoming homeless continues to rise Portland, Oregon; Denver, Colorado; and Seattle, Washington as well as the entire state of Hawaii have become the latest to take drastic measures to fight the growing crisis. Press TV reports: Los Angeles has yet to declare its own state of emergency, but campaigners describe its current condition as “the worst man-made disaster in the US.” The 50-block area of downtown LA, called Skid Row, has been a national emblem of homelessness for over a decade.

90% Of Americans Said 2015 Was Not Better Than 2014

90% Of Americans Said 2015 Was Not Better Than 2014

With 29% of young Americans having lost faith in 'The American Dream' (for good reason as we detailed here), it is hardly surprising that a new poll by The Associated Press finds that just 10% of people believe 2015 was a better year for the world than 2014. That is half the number from 2013 and appears to confirm what we already tongue-in-cheek noted  - that 2015 was perhaps the worst year ever.

