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Declassified Top Secret Documents Show US Planned To Nuke Moscow, Berlin, Beijing

Declassified Top Secret Documents Show US Planned To Nuke Moscow, Berlin, Beijing

Back in September, we noted that the US was set to send 20 new nuclear bombs to Germany each of which has four times the destructive power of the explosive dropped on Hiroshima.

“[These] new attack options against Russia” constitute “a conscious provocation of [Germany’s] Russian neighbors,” one member of Angela Merkel’s Christian Democrats warned. Sergei Lavrov’s de facto number-two, Maria Zakharova said the move represented an “infringement of Articles 1 and 2 of the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.” 

Faltering Faith, Losing Hope, & Rising Charity - 15 Striking Findings From 2015

Every year, Pew Research Center looks back at the most memorable facts that illustrate important trends shaping our world. From faltering faith in government to the decline of Christians in America and from increased racial tensions to the shrinking American middle-class, here are some of our most striking findings of 2015.

Authored by George Gao via Pew Research,

The Fed Has Created A "Monster" And Just Made A "Dangerous Mistake," Stephen Roach Warns

Stephen Roach is worried that the Fed has set the world up for another financial market meltdown. 

Lower for longer rates and the proliferation of unconventional monetary policy have created “a breeding ground for asset bubbles, credit bubbles, and all-too frequent crises, so the Fed is really a part of the problem of financial instability rather than trying to provide a sense of calm in an otherwise unstable world,” Roach told Bloomberg TV in an interview conducted a little over a week ago. 
