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THE U.S. SHALE OIL INDUSTRY: Swindling & Stealing Energy To Stay Alive

THE U.S. SHALE OIL INDUSTRY: Swindling & Stealing Energy To Stay Alive

By the SRSrocco Report,

While the U.S. Shale Energy Industry continues to borrow money to produce uneconomical oil and gas, there is another important phenomenon that is not understood by the analyst community.  The critical factor overlooked by the media is the fact that the U.S. shale industry is swindling and stealing energy from other areas to stay alive.  Let me explain.

Global Stocks Rise, Copper Soars In Thin Holiday Volumes

Global Stocks Rise, Copper Soars In Thin Holiday Volumes

European stocks are steady in post-Christmas trading if struggling for traction after a mixed session in Asia, amid trading thinned by a holiday-shortened week and ongoing worries about the tech sector; however a strong rally in commodities - including copper and oil - buoyed expectations for a strong 2018 and helped offset concerns over the technology sector triggered by reports of soft iPhone X demand. 

The Endlessness Of A Temporary Tax

The Endlessness Of A Temporary Tax

Authored by Jeff Thomas via,

Governments regularly claim that they favour tax reform. When this claim has been repeated so many times that virtually no one believes them anymore, they announce a tax reform, to show that they really mean it. They then reshuffle the existing taxes to give the appearance that taxation will actually be lowered.
