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Trump, Netanyahu, & Bin Salman: Destroyers Of The Neoliberal World Order

Trump, Netanyahu, & Bin Salman: Destroyers Of The Neoliberal World Order

Authored by Federico Pieraccini via The Strategic Culture Foundation,

The neoliberal world order has been in crisis for some years now, with no signs of recovery. Trump's victory is an expression of a breach of trust between the American people and the national elites.

The perfect storm. This is what the situation in the Middle East looks like. More and more events in the region seem to be leading towards an epochal change in the delicate balance of power.

Gold Will Soar... As China Kneecaps The Dollar

Gold Will Soar... As China Kneecaps The Dollar

Authored by Nick Giambruno via,

 I recently spoke with my friend and colleague Chris Lowe about China’s new alternative financial system - and how it could mortally wound the US dollar. It was such an important discussion that I had to pass it along.

Chris is the editor of Bonner & Partners’ Inner Circle. His publication shares insights from Bill Bonner’s personal global network of analysts and investment experts.

Top Nuclear Official Agrees With Senator Who Says Obama Admin "Misled" On Uranium One Deal

Top Nuclear Official Agrees With Senator Who Says Obama Admin "Misled" On Uranium One Deal

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Kristine Svinicki responded to questions raised by Senator John Barrasso (R-WY) regarding a key aspect of the Uranium One deal, agreeing that the Obama Administration had not "fully depicted" the complexity of the transaction which ultimately gave the Kremlin control over 20% of US uranium. 

“I would note that, as your letter makes clear, the responses you have received have not fully depicted the complexity of this issue” -Kristine Svinicki, NRC Chair

The Best Tax Incentive In The World

The Best Tax Incentive In The World

Authored by Simon Black via,

In a move almost destined to prove that laws and policies have absolutely zero meaning, the European Union released a list of “tax havens” last week… with a massive, giant, highly conspicuous omission.

The blacklist contains the names of the usual suspects– Panama, United Arab Emirates, etc., along with a few additions like Mongolia and Marshall Islands.
