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Oil Producers Turning To Crypto To Solve Sanctions Problems

Oil Producers Turning To Crypto To Solve Sanctions Problems

Authored by Tom Luongo,

Last week, Venezuela announced it would develop a national cryptocurrency backed by its oil reserves, the Petro.  Now there is a report that Russia is considering the same thing.  Iran will likely follow suit.

As of right now this is just a rumor, but it makes some sense.  So, let’s treat this rumor as fact for the sake of argument and see where it leads us.

Abracadabra - Uncovering The Fed's 'Magnificent Fraud'

Abracadabra - Uncovering The Fed's 'Magnificent Fraud'

Authored by James Howard Kunstler via,

And so, as they say in the horror movies, it begins…! The unwinding of the Federal Reserve’s balance sheet. Such an esoteric concept!

Is there one in ten thousand of the millions of people who sit at desks all day long from sea to shining sea who have a clue how this works? Or what its relationship is to the real world?
