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Russia Rebukes US For Sowing "Regional Instability" As Military Drills Begin

Russia Rebukes US For Sowing "Regional Instability" As Military Drills Begin

The latest round of military drills involving the US, Japan and South Korea began their latest set of tracking drills on Monday, DW reported, citing sources in the South Korean military.

The drills – which are meant for "practicing tracking an object and sharing information on it among the three countries” - were being held in waters off the coast of Japan, according to Japan's Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera.

China Unveils Plan To Combat Trump Tax Reform: “We’ll Have Tough Battles"

With Donald Trump's historic tax reform on the verge of passage, and with the Fed continuing its rate hiking cycle so far undeterred, and according to the Fed's own dot plot still having another 7-8 rate hikes to go, China is getting nervous because, as the WSJ reports, it fears "a double whammy sapping money out of China by making the U.S. a more attractive place to invest." In other words, those capital outflows which China was confident it had finally bottled up, are about to return. And that's even as the U.S.

Treasury Forecasts Tax Reform Will Lead To Longest Period Without Recession In History

Treasury Forecasts Tax Reform Will Lead To Longest Period Without Recession In History

One week ago, in its latest assessment of the current state of tax reform in the aftermath of the Senate's passage of the tax bill, Goldman analysts calculated that while growth impact from tax reform had increased fractionally to around 0.3% in 2018 and 2019 "reflecting the slightly larger amount of tax cuts in the Senate plan following revisions, and our expectations regarding the eventual compromise", it expected a very modest - if any - boost to US economic growth from tax reform.
