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Global Stocks, US Futures Slide As Tax Bill Chaos Erupts In The Senate

Global Stocks, US Futures Slide As Tax Bill Chaos Erupts In The Senate

Markets were thrown for a loop in the past 24 hours, with the Dow first soaring nearly 400 points on Thursday on expectations that tax reform was a done deal, when drama emerged just after the close when the Senate tax bill came this close to falling apart when the proposed "Trigger" was ruled as invalid, pushing a Thursday tax vote to this morning, and as of this moment the bill appears in limbo with the GOP scrambling to find ways to appease the sudden loud opposition among budget hawks. UBS economist Paul Donovan summarized it best this morning:

Paul Craig Roberts: "Is Washington The Most Corrupt Government In History?"

Paul Craig Roberts: "Is Washington The Most Corrupt Government In History?"

Authored by Paul Craig Roberts,

Robert Mueller, a former director of the FBI who is working as a special prosecutor “investigating” a contrived hoax designed by the military/security complex and the DNC to destroy the Trump presidency, has yet to produce a scrap of evidence that Russiagate is anything but orchestrated fake news.

As William Binney and other top experts have said, if there is evidence of Russiagate, the NSA would have it. No investigation would be necessary. So where is the evidence?

Russian Marines Deploy To North Korean Border After ICBM Launch

Russian Marines Deploy To North Korean Border After ICBM Launch

After Russia announced on Wednesday that North Korea's latest intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) launch constituted a "provocative act" while also calling on all sides to "stay calm", major Russian military maneuvers have been reported today along Russia's tiny stretch of border with North Korea.

According to an alarming report detailing the new Russian military build-up in Newsweek:
