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US State Department Admits Plans To Meddle In Hungary's Democracy

US State Department Admits Plans To Meddle In Hungary's Democracy

As we noted last week, hypocrisy may be the only consistent guiding principle of US foreign policy.

The Rex Tillerson State Department will pump $700,000 into Hungarian media to remove Viktor Orban.

TheDuran's Alex Christoforou writes:

When another nation state uses media to communicate it’s point of view, its flagged as a foreign agent, a “bad actor”, and often declared as an “act of war (i.e. RT).


Doug Casey On Why Race Will Break America Apart, Part II

Doug Casey On Why Race Will Break America Apart, Part II


Today, Doug and I continue our conversation on why the U.S. could dissolve over time. Doug says the problems are all bubbling to the surface…and when the U.S. eventually breaks apart “it will not be peaceful.” (If you missed Part I, you can catch up right here.)

Justin: What about political tensions? Because, as I’m sure you’ve seen, the far-left and far-right are becoming more and more antagonistic. In some cases, they’ve even become violent towards each other.

Trump Reportedly Tells Erdogan US Will Cease Arming Syrian Kurds

Trump Reportedly Tells Erdogan US Will Cease Arming Syrian Kurds

Just after Putin hosted trilateral talks on Syria and the Middle East in Sochi involving Russia, Iran, and Turkey, President Trump spent part of his Friday after Thanksgiving on the phone with Turkey's Erdogan. While the two discussed Syria and other regional issues, it appears they broached the delicate and contentious topic of US support to Syrian Kurdish fighters (namely, the Kurdish YPG, which forms the core of the Syrian Democratic Forces).

The US-Saudi Starvation Blockade

The US-Saudi Starvation Blockade

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Our aim is to “starve the whole population - men, women, and children, old and young, wounded and sound - into submission,” said First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill.

He was speaking of Germany at the outset of the Great War of 1914-1918. Americans denounced as inhumane this starvation blockade that would eventually take the lives of a million German civilians.
