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The Fetid Swamp Of Tax Reform

The Fetid Swamp Of Tax Reform

Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog,

The likelihood that either party will ever drain the fetid swamp of corruption that is our tax code is zero, because it's far too profitable for politicos to operate their auction for tax favors.

To understand the U.S. tax code and the endless charade of tax reform, we have to start with four distasteful realities:

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Mueller Probes Flynn's Role In $15 Million Plot To Kidnap Erdogan's Arch-Nemesis

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"This Looks More Frightening": Global Stock, Bond Selloff Accelerates Amid Risk-Parity Rumblings

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Trump And Putin Will Not Meet In Vietnam, White House Says

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In APEC Speech, Trump Slams China, WTO And TPP For Holding Back His "Indo-Pacific Dream"

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