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Ding Dong Dandong – First Chinese Corporate Default After Party Congress

Ding Dong Dandong – First Chinese Corporate Default After Party Congress

Just over a week ago we highlighted how China’s financial regulator had instructed companies to delay the reporting of bad corporate news until after the Party Congress. As Bloomberg noted...

China’s securities watchdog has asked some loss-making companies to avoid publishing quarterly results this week as authorities seek to ensure stock-market stability during the Communist Party Congress, according to people familiar with the matter.


Watch This Orwellian Pentagon Briefing On Syria: "Over 4000 Troops... No, Sorry... Just 500..."

Watch This Orwellian Pentagon Briefing On Syria: "Over 4000 Troops... No, Sorry... Just 500..."

Whether it's the Middle East, Africa, or Eastern Europe, the familiar pattern of American military expansion goes something like this: first we are promised that US troops are merely in a country for limited "training" missions with "partner" forces; next we are told of "counter-terror" operations which require an increased "footprint"; after which we are assured once again that there are "no boots on the ground" but a "minimal" increase of train and assist missions; finally, US soldiers begin to come home in body bags at which point the 9/11 era AUMF is cynically invoked (Authorization For
