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Ron Paul: Here's The Truth About The War Between The Alt Right And Cultural Marxists

Despite recently being demonetized by YouTube, possibly for his anti-establishment views and slamming President Trump’s decision to increase troop levels in Afghanistan, former Texas Congressman Ron Paul is back with a video addressing the widening left-right political divide in the US – and the role that the “immoral use” of government force has played in fomenting the US’s present political crisis.

Jim Rogers Warns "If Trump Starts A Trade War With China, It Will End US Hegemony"

Jim Rogers Warns "If Trump Starts A Trade War With China, It Will End US Hegemony"

Following Treasury Secretary Mnuchin's threat that the US could impose economic sanctions on China if it does not implement the new sanctions regime against North Korea:

"If China doesn’t follow these sanctions, we will put additional sanctions on them and prevent them from accessing the US and international dollar system, and that’s quite meaningful."

General Confirms "US Policy Is Not To Defend Canada" In The Event Of A Missile Attack

General Confirms "US Policy Is Not To Defend Canada" In The Event Of A Missile Attack

Authored by John Ivison via,

Participation in the ballistic missile defence program would be costly, but, amid nuclear threats, it appears Canada is no longer under the protective umbrella of the U.S.

Politicians approach most subjects with open mouths, but they are rarely at a loss for words.

That’s why the testimony at a House of Commons defence committee, specially convened to consider the thorny problem that is North Korea, was so memorable.

In Scramble To Explain Bitcoin, BIS Unveils "A New Taxonomy Of Money" In Three Charts

In Scramble To Explain Bitcoin, BIS Unveils "A New Taxonomy Of Money" In Three Charts

New cryptocurrencies are emerging almost daily, and many interested parties are wondering whether central banks should issue their own versions. But what might central bank cryptocurrencies (CBCCs) look like and would they be useful? This feature provides a taxonomy of money that identifies two types of CBCC - retail and wholesale - and differentiates them from other forms of central bank money such as cash and reserves.
