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Europe's Banking Dysfunction Worsens

Europe's Banking Dysfunction Worsens

Authored by Chris Whalen via The Institutional Risk Analyst,

“While the US and the UK have been mired in political chaos this year, the EU has enjoyed improved economic conditions and some political windfalls. The question now is whether this good news will inspire long-needed EU and eurozone reforms, or merely fuel complacency – and thus set the stage for another crisis down the road.”


Philippe Legrain, Project Syndicate

"The Mood Is Very Pessimistic": US Begins "Removing Furniture And Equipment" From Seized Compound In Russia

"The Mood Is Very Pessimistic": US Begins "Removing Furniture And Equipment" From Seized Compound In Russia

Two days after Russian President Vladimir Putin formally expelled 755 American diplomats and announced plans to seize two compounds used by US State Department employees, US officials have started "removing furniture and equipment from the compounds", according to Reuters.

Pat Buchanan Asks "Shall We Fight Them All?"

Authored by Patrick Buchanan via,

Saturday, Kim Jong Un tested an ICBM of sufficient range to hit the U.S. mainland. He is now working on its accuracy, and a nuclear warhead small enough to fit atop that missile that can survive re-entry.

Unless we believe Kim is a suicidal madman, his goal seems clear. He wants what every nuclear power wants — the ability to strike his enemy’s homeland with horrific impact, in order to deter that enemy.
